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Tugas bahasa inggris soal direct and indirect

    1.Did they eat out together yesterday?
a.      He asked me if they had eaten out yesterday.
b.      He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before.
c.       He asked me if they has eaten out together the day before.
d.      He asked me if they have eaten out together the day before.

Answer: B

    2.  Don’t turn off the light now.
a.      He told me don’t turn off the light at that time.
b.      He told me not to turn off the light at that time.
c.       He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time.
d.      He told me didn’t turn off the light at now.

Answer: B

3 3.   What’s your passion?
a.      She wanted to know what is my passion.
b.      She wanted to know what was my passion.
c.       She wanted to know what my passion was.
d.      She wanted to know what was my passion.

Answer: C

4 4.    I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity.
a.      He asked me that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
b.      He wanted to know if he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
c.       He said that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
d.      He said that I began to understand the concept of biodiversity.

Answer : C

5 5. Your friend has just left.
a.      He told me that your friend had just left.
b.      He told me that my friend has just left.
c.       He told me that my friend had just left.
d.      He told me that my friend have just left.

Answer : C

6 6. Can I borrow your pencil for a moment?
a.      She asked me if she can borrow my pencil for a moment.
b.      She asked me whether she can borrow my pencil for a moment.
c.       She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil for a moment.
d.      She asked me whether I could borrow her pencil for a moment.

Answer : C

7 7.  Why are you staring at my feet?
a.      He asked her why she is staring at his feet.
b.      He asked her why she was staring at his feet.
c.       He asked her why was she staring at his feet.
d.      He asked her why is she staring at his feet.

Answer: B

8 8.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
a.      He said that the sun rose in the east and sets in the west.
b.      He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
c.       He asked if the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
d.      He said that the sun rise in the east and set in the west.

Answer: B

9 9. I’m going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.
a.      She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day.
b.      She said she was going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.
c.       She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time tomorrow.
d.      She said she is going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day.

Answer: A

1 10. We have been here for a week.
a.      They said they had been there for a week.
b.      They said they had been here for a week.
c.       They said we had been there for a week.
d.      They said they has been here for a week.

Answer: A


11.    “Did they eat out together yesterday?”
a.       He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before.
b.      He asked me if they had eaten out together yesterday.
c.       He asked me if they has eaten out together the day before.

Answer:He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before. | Direct speech berupa dengan time reference “yesterday”. Time reference perlu diubah menjadi “the day before” atau” the previous day”

12.      “Don’t turn off the light now.”
a.       He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time.
b.      He told me not to turn off the light at that time.
c.       He told me don’t turn off the light at that time.

Answer: He told me not to turn off the light at that time. | Verb menjadi infinitive pada reporting commands (perintah).

13.      “What’s your passion?”
a.       She wanted to know what is my passion.
b.      She wanted to know what my passion was.
c.       She wanted to know what was my passion.

Answer: She wanted to know what my passion was. | Direct speech berupa wh- question(information request) –> pindahkan verb ke belakang subject (word order).

14.      “I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity.”
a.       He said that he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity.
b.      He wanted to know if he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity.
c.       He asked me that he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity.

Answer: He said that he began to understand the concept of Biodiversity. | Direct speech berupa statement (pernyataan) dengan verb simple present tense. Verb diubah menjadi simple past tense (penyampai berita fokus pada fakta bahwa pembicaraan merupakan past conversation).

15.      “Your friend has just left.”
a.       He told me that my friend has just left.
b.      He told me that your friend had just left.
c.       He told me that my friend had just left.

Answer: He told me that my friend had just left. | Verb present perfect tense disesuaikan menjadi past perfect tense.

16.      “Can I borrow your pencil for a moment?”
a.       She asked me whether she can borrow my pencil for a moment.
b.      She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil for a moment.
c.       She asked me if she can borrow my pencil for a moment.

Answer: She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil for a moment. | Modal verb “can” (present) disesuakan menjadi “could” (past).

17.      “Why are you staring at my feet?”
a.       He asked her why was she staring at his feet.
b.      He asked her why she is staring at his feet.
c.       He asked her why she was staring at his feet.

Answer: He asked her why she was staring at his feet. | Verb present continuous tense pada direct speech menjadi past continuous tense pada reported speech.

18.      “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”
a.       He asked if the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
b.      He said that the sun rose in the east and set in the west.
c.       He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Answer: He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. | Verb tidak berubah (menjadi past) karena pernyataan berupa general truth.

19.      “I’m going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.”
a.       She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day.
b.      She said she was going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.
c.       She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time tomorrow.

Answer: She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day. | Time reference “tomorrow” disesuaikan menjadi “the next day” atau “the following day”.

20. “We have been here for a week.”
a.       They said they had been there for a week.
b.      They said they had been here for a week.
c.       They said we had been there for a week.

Answer: They said they had been there for a week. | “Here” pada direct speech diubah menjadi “there”.


21. The teacher said to student, "Don't waste time!"
Change into the form of indirect speech!
.Answer : The teacher advised the students not to waste time
22 He said to his servant, “Go away at once!”
Change into the form of indirect speech!
Answer : He ordered his servant to go away at once
23. The Gardeners told me not to step on the grass
Change into the form of direct speech!
Answer : "Do not step on the grass!” said The Gardeners
24.Tama asked Rana to be a strong person. 
Change into the form of direct speech!
Answer : Tama said, "Be a strong person, Rana!"

25. He said, “open the door!”
Change into the form of indirect speech!
Answer : He ordered to open the door
26.“Don’t turn off the light now.”
a. He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time.
b. He told me not to turn off the light at that time.
c. He told me don’t turn off the light at that time.
Answer : B
Verb infinitive be on reporting commands (commands).

27. She said, “clean the table!”
a. She said please clean the table
b. She told clean the table
c. She said to clean the table
Answer : C

28. “Don’t tell someone!”
a. She told me don't tell someone
b. She said me didn't tell someone
c. She said don't tell someone
Answer : A

29. She said to him, “you should work hard for exam!”
a. He suggested him to work hard for exam.
b. He told him to work hard for exam
c. He said him to work hard for exam
Answer : A

30. The teachers said, “Don’t be late!”
a. The teachers told me didn't be late
b. The teachers told me not to be late
c. The teachers said to me don't be late
Answer : B


Name: Annisa Shahida
Class: 1EA07
NPM: 10215889


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